Saturday, March 17, 2012


Ah, the first day trip. What a day. I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed on a Saturday morning to travel  to Segovia with some other USAC students.

Sitting on the train on the way to Segovia equipped with sunglasses to hide my sleepy eyes and my iPod. 

Beautiful view from inside the train.

Just arrived in the Segovia. It was only about 10:30am. 

I don't think I'll ever get my fill of taking photos of beautiful, narrow, little streets. 

First sighting of the aqueducts. 

These aqueducts were left here by the Romans. 

I was attempting to be all "photographer-y". :-P  Pretty interesting photo if I do say it myself.

A couple of the USACers. I think at this point we had already "ooed" and "ahhed" over the aqueducts and we were trying to decide what to do next. 

Hehe. I thought this little chubby chef holding up the restaurant menu was kind of cute. 

Neat looking restaurant. 

View of the town. 

Statue of random guy. I really need to start remember who these people are. Lol. 

Steps right outside the cathedral we visited. 

Really beautiful and unique looking cathedral. 


Once again, street view. 

The Alcazar. This is the castle that inspired the Disney Princess castle. 

Better view of the towers. 

It's hard to tell but this was a really small suit of armor!! Must have been for some little prince or noble! 

Me, Marilyn, and Justin. Randomness. Lol. 

Drainage thingy? I guess... still inside the Alcazar. 

Marilyn, so cute! :-) 

Yes, we climbed the tower. All 152 steps. 

This was about halfway up the tower, you could go outside and have a look...and decide if you still wanted to climb the rest of the way up! Haha. 

And we kept climbing...

And we made it!!! A very, very beautiful view! 

Another view...

And another....

Food!! After our trip to the Alcazar, we decided to get lunch. Segovia is famous for its suckling pig, so of course we had to try some. It was delicious. The meat inside was very tender, but I wasn't so sure what I thought about the crunchy skin on the outside. :-P 

End of the day on the way home.

Segovia is a charming little town. It made for a great day trip, sort of an initiation into our first couple of weeks of the program. I had a great time, but by the bus trip home, I was ready to sleep! :-) 

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