Saturday, March 17, 2012

Museo Reina Sofia

I literally live less than 3 minutes (walking) away from the Reina Sofia Museum, so I figure it would be the first museum to tackle. I went with my lovely friend Marilyn that I met on day 2! We had a lot of fun and spent a total of four hours in this museum!! 

Before we ventured into the museum we stopped at a pizza place right down the street for lunch.  Not exactly like the pizza we know in the US but really tasty! Here I'm holding a pizza pocket with "jamón y queso", the immortal Spanish combination of jam and cheese. Lol.

Ok, huge story to tell with this picture. This sculpture is right inside the huge canopy like structure that is the new addition onto the Reina Sofia. It's a sculpture by Roy Lichtenstein. I was immediately transported back a couple of weeks in time when I saw this because there was a very similar sculpture at the Port Columbus International Airport where I flew out from. Literally, the sculpture was at my terminal where my family and I waited for a while. 

Here's a better view of the canopy, pretty cool right?! 

Yay! Here's Marilyn standing under the sculpture. 

And me! 

The museum is a rectangle shape with a garden in the middle of the building. It was very peaceful and quiet in here. 

Ok, one of the rooms in the Reina Sofia is just a completely white room with 4 large metal rectangular blocks. Marilyn and I were a little weirded out by them but we decided to have a little fun with it. Here's me sticking me head out from behind one of them. 

And now my arms. Haha. 

Haha. I love this picture. This is really a reflection of Marilyn's personality, cute and random. :-) 

Here's a better view of the entire room. I don't really get what the whole point is. I read a little flyer about it and there's supposed to be something cool and sciency about it but I don't really get it...

This is from inside the elevator of the Reina Sofia. 

Here I'm looking in the opposite direction towards the other set of elevators. 

We worked up quite an appetite in the museum so we stopped at La Ochava, a little cafe near my apartment, and got some food. Those are ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches, along with some café con leche (coffee with milk). Soo delicious.
All in all, a great day. I've got to say, I didn't really enjoy the Reina Sofia a whole lot because it's got a lot more modern art. It was a great experience though and I always have fun with Marilyn!! 

1 comment:

  1. It's art Abigail! You are not supposed to understand its purpose! You analyze it and come up with your own interpretation (which you did, it looks like). Whoa, that was deep. :) Great pictures! I miss you! Hope everything is well! Praying for you.
